Submissions on Ink and Quill


Ink and Quill is accepting submissions.

Would you like to feature on Ink & Quill?

I’m looking for poetry, and fiction, art, music and photography that is original, quirky, dark, romantic, thought provoking, empowering…new or previously published on your site.

In particular, I would like to feature poetry, fiction, art music, or photography in honour of powerful and empowered woman.

The submissions will feature on Ink and Quill weekly and on the side bar!

Please include all work in an attachment file, including images and copyright links to photographs.

*Poems: include 1-3 poems. Include a brief bio and location.

*Fiction: 1 fiction piece per submission, 500 word limit. Include a brief bio and location.

*Photography and art: please include up to 5 pieces or photographs, and a brief bio and location and inspiration behind the art or photograph.

Please submit all submissions to inkandquill at outlook dot com dot au

Please allow one month response time.

Thanks Jen





J Calvert Photography 2015


J Calvert Photography 2015

I’ll leave it all behind,
The seaside,
The idle place of space growing in secrets and sighs,
The look on your face,
When you ask me why,
The heartache of this shaded and sinking town,
The ageing souls,
The cracks in the road,
The minds ghosts,
All taking its toll,
I’ll leave it all behind,
Still, my heart will yearn,
For a time long past,
For my hometown.

5 Day Photo/Story Challenge, Day 4

I have been challenged by the wonderful Rich at Waffle Me This, to the 5 day photo story challenge.

Today is day four. I’m really enjoying this challenge. Today I am using an old photo. I had a busy work day and didn’t get a chance to take a photograph. But the words are from today.
Thanks Rich. I appreciate the nomination and I’m really excited about this challenge!

Challenge Guidelines:

Post a picture each day for five consecutive days. Attach a story to your image.

*can be fiction / non-fiction
*poem / short paragraph
*each day nominates another blogger

J.Calvert Image

J.Calvert Image


The Road

The road I drive,
Takes me to place of tired eyes,
And heavy heart,
I want to turn around,
Desert this town,
Go west, head to the hills,
Hideaway Mountain by the stream,
Turn around, to the east, for the beach,
Is where I’ll be found,
Frolicking in waves, white-water salt,
I’ll bath my heart in the sea,
I’ll head up north to the wildlife of the forest,
Be lost in the spring of youth,
South will draw me down to the cold winter towns,
I’ll seek a wood fire and sleep,
Yet I keep driving, the same road,
The path takes me to the only place I know.

Today, I want to nominate Kim, from Writing in North Norfolk. Kim’s writing always inspires and impresses me. Would love to see what she would do with this challenge. I’m sure it would be amazing!